
Contact Us

  • Phone: (111) 222-3333
  • Email:
  • Mailing Address: 2707 Congress Street Ste. #2G San Diego, CA 92110



What We Believe

Our Belief Statement:

At Scottsboro CPC, we believe that God so loved the world that he sent his only son, that whosoever believes in him might be saved.

As his church, we have been gathered together by the Spirit of God, we are built up through worship and teaching, and are sent out into the world to serve our neighbor and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.

Gathered Together:

We believe that the Holy Spirit has gathered us together as his church. While we differ in gifts, passions, and even beliefs, we are united by a call from God that is deeper than our divisions. So, we strive to care for one another as a faith family, trusting that God has brought us together for a purpose.

This call makes us part of the global church, but also ties us to a particular corner of God's kingdom. Scottsboro CPC is a Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We are proudly a part of this global denomination, with a strong history of Christian education and missions.

Built Up:

We believe that God gathers us together as a church to build us up through worship and teaching. Our weekly worship service is the heartbeat of our congregation, where we open ourselves to God's voice and activity. It is here that we are reminded of God's faithful care and saving works.

While we respond to God's call in worship, we also remember Jesus's command to "make disciples of all nations... teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20). Our church has always placed a high priority on Christian Education, and we continue to passionately work a deeper understanding of Christ's call on our lives and his expectations for how we should live. 

Sent Out:

We believe that God gathers us together and builds us up in order to send us out. We are sent out to proclaim what God has done in our lives. These stories of God's salvation begin in our homes, and are meant to be shared.

This good news from God is not just for people's souls: we also work to feed the hungry, visit the lonely, and advocate for those falling through the cracks.